There are many misconceptions about what it means to see a psychiatrist. Some people fear that going to a psychiatrist will somehow make them appear “weak” or “crazy”. To the contrary, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues are exceedingly common and prevalent across all populations throughout the world and have profound effects on physical health. People seeking the care of a psychiatrist are interested in taking better control of their emotional and physical health and in improving the quality of their lives and relationships. Psychiatrists can provide diagnostic evaluations and when appropriate may also recommend medication to target certain issues. One important role of the psychiatrist, which North Alabama Family Psychiatry takes seriously, is to educate our patients about their illness including treatments and prognosis so that the individual seeking help can make an informed decision about treatment recommendations consistent with his or her core values. The premise behind our practice is to empower people to become more independent, self sufficient and healthy in every way for a more fulfilling life.
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